The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Vitamin C IV

I had read in "Dental Truth", a publication by Dental Amalgam Merucy Solutions (DAMS), that Vitamin C IVs could help eliminate Ebola virus, shingles virus and obsessive compulsive disorder.  For that reason, I wanted to give it a try since I knew I needed to be cured of these three things.  My naturopath told me that a Dr. Stephen Dalton in Lubbock performed the IVs.

I passed the needed blood work and he scheduled me for my first IV on May 22, 2012.   I had a difficult time with the IVs initially, but pretty sure it was because I was already saturated with the body soak solution and was 5 days into the parasite cleanse that was leaving me weak and headachy.  Adding theVitamin C IV was too much for my body to handle and healing crisis resulted.

I resumed the IVs on August 6.  I discovered that scheduling the IV the day after I did a body soak made the experiment with the soaks much easier.  Without the IV, my body required 11 water enemas over 5 days immediately following the soak.  With the IV my body needed zero enemas.  The IV pulled out the toxins that the soak turned loose in my body.  Normally it was very necessary for me to administer the enemas  - otherwise I would suffer serious healing crises.  In other words.....I would get really sick.