The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Dental Revision

So....what is 'dental revision'?  It is the removal of amalgam fillings in the mouth and replacing them with a composite material that is biocompatible with the patient.  Amalgam is an alloy composed of  silver, tin and copper but mostly mercury.  Dental revision is not something anyone should rush into it.  Anyone who is considering dental revision should research it thoroughly before making a decision.

Dental revision is risky because of possible exposure to the mercury and the mercury vapors during the process. The process involves drilling into the mercury fillings so that they can be removed in chunks. The larger the chunks the less exposure to the mercury in the dental material called amalgam.

If you are considering having a dental revision done then please understand that it is very necessary to find a dentist who understands and applies proper procedures in performing the revision. (Find a mercury-safe dentist at  Several precautions need to be taken to ensure everyone's safety during the procedure. Technicians and the dentist must wear protective clothing and masks to prevent their exposure to the mercury and the mercury vapors during the procedure. Special equipment is needed to vacuum the mercury vapor and mercury particles out of the air. An additional air filtration system is also needed to filter out any fine particles of mercury that the vacuum missed.

If you have any gold in your mouth along with the amalgam then be assured that you are even more at risk than if you simply have the amalgams. Let me explain as best as I know how. Each amalgam filling acts as a small battery (because of the dissimilar metals in the amalgam and the saliva working as an acid). But, add gold to the equation and the battery effect in the mouth is exacerbated especially if a gold crown is placed on top of an existing amalgam filling.

At this point in time you could be saying, "But they (I guess meaning the dentists) don't use mercury any more". I have been amazed at the number of times I have heard that statement. And I respond by saying, "You can be sure that they still use it. If you have metal fillings in your mouth then you have mercury in your mouth. They (the dentists) didn't bother to tell you that they were putting mercury in your mouth. I'm sure they called them 'silver fillings' or perhaps they used the term 'amalgam'. Saying 'silver' fillings is a misnomer since amalgam is comprised of mostly mercury. (Just over 50% of amalgam is mercury. Silver comprises approximately 30% of the amalgam material.)

I could spend a considerable amount of time sharing with you all that I learned in my study of amalgams and mercury poisoning, but I shall leave it with you to research it for yourself. But get prepared to get really angry, because in your study you will discover how many so-called 'incurable' conditions disappear after amalgams are removed. You will learn how the A.D.A (American Dental Association) uses intimidation, threats, gag rules and law suits to keep dentists from informing their patients about the dangers of mercury amalgams.

If you are considering dental revision then you must familiarize yourself with the proper procedure of dental revision.  In the Resources section of this website I have listed several books and publications that will be very helpful to you.  I highly recommend the book Uninformed Consent by Hal Huggins.

It would also be very valuable to you to learn of the various chelation techniques used in removing heavy metal toxins from the body once the amalgams are removed.

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The February 2008 issue of DAMS, International Newsletter (Dental Truth) has an interesting article by a Dr. Diane Meyer, DDS. Dr. Meyer had attended a holistic dental seminar at the urgency of her brother. At that seminar, she learned that the myriad of symptoms that she had been battling for quite some time were very possibly a result of occupational exposure to mercury. (She had approximately 25 years in the dental field, the last 10 as a dentist.)

Motivated to educate herself, she spent hundreds of hours researching the effects of mercury on the body. The more she researched, the more she realized that her health may have been severely compromised by her own silver fillings as well as by her occupational exposure. She sought the help from a dentist trained to remove her fillings in the proper way. This was just the beginning of a long road to recovery due to all the absorption of mercury that had taken place in her body over the years. (She had been diagnosed by a medical doctor with chronic mercury poisoning.)

She states, "Silver-amalgam removal needs to be done properly. It's my recommendation that patients should become nutritionally stabilized (this requires blood and hair samples) and should assess the body's ability to detoxify properly by looking at liver, kidneys, bowel function, ability to sweat; dietary needs should also be addressed. I also recommend a biocompatibility test, which is a blood test, to see which filling material you are least reactive to, much like an allergy test .... All of the preparation should all be done prior to dental amalgam replacement."

She goes on to say, "Today there is much information to help you educate yourself and make informed decisions. My favorite websites are and www.HugginsAppliedHealing. good luck with your quest!"


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