The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Immune System Compromised

Right after my bout with mononucleosis in November of 2000 up until my CRASH in July of 2001, I had no resistance to anything. Whatever the grandson came down with, I came down with it.

For many long months my immune system was compromised. For about a year and a half it was necessary for me to wear a dust mask whenever I went outside to work or go for a walk. I am doing considerably better. Occasionally I still must wear a mask when working in the yard.

NOTE: It is now February of 2021, and my immune system is functioning quite well. I live in close proximity to my son and his family and am around them often. The daughter-in-law and grandson are sick a lot. Most often when one gets sick then the other will catch the bug. Occasionally the son will succumb as well.

I haven’t been sick for many, many years including the last three years of living on the same property with them except for a couple of days I was extremely tired and sleepy. I believe I was experiencing an asymptomatic bout with the China virus. The daughter-in-law was having a really bad bout with it at the time. Some weeks later the son got sick with it as well. I made no attempt to stay clear of either of them.

The fact that my immune system is strong makes me believe all I’ve done over the last 20 plus years (of detoxing my body, taking supplements and eating healthy) has been worth it. I do not suffer with the depression. I do not have to take any medications and seldom need to take ibuprofen for pain. ( Maybe one or two tablets a month.)

I have much for which to be thankful. My bowels work beautifully. No constipation. No diarrhea. No sleep apnea. No gout. No high blood pressure. No restless leg syndrome and so many other maladies that people my age have to deal with.