The Lionsden

The Lionsden

How to Apply Muscle Testing


What a glorious day it was when I realized muscle testing could take the stress and guess work out of buying the right mattress.  It was necessary for me to use the hand method since I was lying on the mattress in the store and unable to stand.
  • While lying on a particular mattress I asked, "How beneficial is this mattress in providing adequate support for my body on a scale of 0 to 10 with 'zero being no support and ten being very adequate support."
  • I then ask, "At least a 'one'?" If I get a strong response (a yes answer) then I ask, "A two?".  Once again, if I get a strong response, I know to continue asking.  "A three?" "A four?"..........
  • I repeat the process until I get a weak muscle response.  Say you get a strong response at 8 (In other words your body is telling you, 'Yes, it will give you good support at an 8.") but a weak response at 9 (your body is saying 'No, it will not give adequate support at a 9).  Suppose your body gives a strong response at 9 and even 10, but a weak response when you say "Eleven". That means that the mattress is good for a 10, but not an 11.
  • Then while still on the mattress I repeat the process asking 1) "How well will I sleep on this mattress?" and "How well will I rest on this mattress?"
Note: You do not need to speak audibly when asking the questions.  You body is capable of reading your mind.



There were several days during my Road to Recovery that toxins were moving so drastically that my water requirement was excessive.  To effectively move the toxins it was very necessary for me to drink sufficient amounts of water each day.  So I made it a habit that the first thing I would do upon awakening was (and still is) to muscle test to find out.

On a normal day I am only needing 65 ounces so I start there.  I ask, "Do I need 65 ounces of water today?"  If I get a 'yes' answer then I ask, "Do I need more than 65 ounces of water today?"  If I get a 'yes' answer then I proceed by saying, "70?", "75?", "80?", etc. until I get a weak response.  If I get a weak response (indicating a 'no' answer) when I say "85" then I know I am needing 80 ounces of water that day.



Muscle testing is very valuable in determinng one's nutritional intake.  If I suspect that I am need a particular supplement, vitamin, herbal remedy, etc. I can muscle test to determine what I need and how much of it I am needing.
  • First, I check to see if I am in sync.
  • Then I hold the bottle or package of whatever and ask if it is something my body needs.
  • If I get a 'yes' answser then I ask, "Do I need it everyday?".
  • If I get a 'yes' answer then I ask, "How many drops (or capsules, teaspoons, tablespoons, ounces, etc.) do I need each day?"
  • However, if you got a 'no' when you asked, "Do I need it each day?", then you need to ask, "How many times each week do I need it?"  Your body will sway forward the number of times you  need to take the product, whether each day or each week.
Note: It is important to re-evaluate your nutritional needs often since your body's need will change.



My naturopath suggested that I do ear candles to rid my ears of excess wax which might help to restore my hearing.  Knowing how to apply muscle testing took the guess work out of doing ear candles.  The ear candles are very effective in removing excess wax from the ears, but you do not want to go overboard and remove all of the wax.  The wax is there for a purpose and removing too much wax could be harmful.  By using muscle testing I knew how often to use them and how many I was needing to get the job done.  Did my hearing improve?  Yes!



In August of 2011 I began an experiment of ridding the residual heavy metals and chemicals from my body.  I decided to give a certain product made by Developmental Natural Resources a try.  My body could not handle the protocol that was laid out in the procedures manual, however.  So once again, muscle testing came to my rescue.  The manual recommended that I do a soak every 3 to 4 days.  Muscle testing indicated my body could only tolerate a soak once a week.  I was not able to use the recommended amount of solution in each bath soak.  I also discovered that I had to be very careful what questions I asked since my body could not tolerate what my body said it 'needed' so rather than ask "How much solution do you need me to put in the bath?"  I would ask, "How much solution can you safely tolerate in the bath?"

The manual recommended that my head (except for my nose and mouth) be down in the water for 10 minutes.  I learned the hard way that I should have asked my body how many minutes that my body could tolerate.  Three days of sick headaches after each soak told me I better find out why.  Once I muscled tested I discovered my body could tolerate only 4 minutes with my head in the water.  (It remained 4 minutes for several months.)