The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Food Allergy Test

In May of 2012 Dr. Dalton had my blood drawn and sent to be tested for food allergies.  Once I got my report I had to eliminate those foods I was most allergic to.  Many of the foods I was accustomed to eating on regular basis such as bananas, lettuce, oranges, radishes, pistachios, celery and almonds were foods I had to avoid.  Only a couple of days into the elimination diet I noticed an increase in my stamina and I was sleeping better.  When I  did eat one of these foods, I experienced fatigue.  I was wishing I had had the food allergy test run many years ago.

Dr. Dalton said to stay on the elimination diet for 3 months then attempt to eat one of the foods on the allergy list to see if my body can handle it.  At present I have been on the diet for only 2 months.