The Lionsden

The Lionsden

Metal Taste in Mouth

I have suffered with metal taste in my mouth as long as I can remember.  When very young I would suck on a wet wash cloth to help alleviate the metal taste.  Chewing gum helped some during my life time.  I do not recommend chewing gum for anyone who has 'silver' fillings in their mouth.  Any chewing will exacerbate the release of mercury vapors from the amalgam (the fillings).  The vapors are then inhaled and mercury poisoning to the body is the result.

If you have amalgams then it would be good if  you can take in all your food without chewing it.  It would not be practical, however.  Hot beverages will also cause the vapors to be released as well.

For a few weeks (during the time of my CRASH) I couldn't stand to eat anything out of a metal can. It tasted just like metal to me. One of my naturopaths gave me this mouth wash formula to use 3 times a day to help with the metal taste: 1/2 t. soda to 1 cup warm water.